Super Vilitra

Super Vilitra

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What is Super Vilitra & What Is It Used for?

Super Vilitra is a generic medication that is used for providing relief from the symptoms of erectile dysfunction (ED) and premature ejaculation (PE). This medicine contains the active ingredients made famous in the branded treatments, Priligy and Levitra. Super Vilitra was introduced to the market after the patent for these medications expired. Made by the pharmaceutical company Centurion Laboratories, it is available online in the United States of America prescription free.

Two of the most common sexual dysfunctions to affect men are  erectile dysfunction (ED) and premature ejaculation (PE). On their own these conditions are bad enough, when they are experienced in tandem men can find themselves in a dark place. Indeed, these conditions alone are responsible for the breakup of more marriages in the United States of America and western world than anything else. Thanks to the new wave of dual action medications like Super Vilitra, men can get the help they need easier than ever before.

Is your relationship in trouble as a result of performance issues in the bedroom? Maybe you are tired of paying outrageous prices for branded medication at your local chemist? Perhaps you are looking for a medication that will give you a strong erection and help you last longer in bed? Regardless of the reason you are here, continue reading for everything you need to know about Super Vilitra and how to purchase it online, hassle free. 

How Does Super Vilitra Work on the Body?

Super Vilitra contains two active ingredients, Vardenafil and Dapoxetine and provides men with effective relief from the symptoms of both ED and PE. Vardenafil works by increasing blood flow to the genitals during sexual arousal whereas. Dapoxetine on the other hand works by desensitizing the penis.

First and foremost, vardenafil, the first active ingredient in Super Vilitra belong to a class of medication known asPDE-5 inhibitors. This means that it operates by targeting the enzyme in the body called phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE-5) and stopping its action. When this happens, the body responds with the increased production of cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP), the increased levels of cGMP promote relaxation and the widening of blood vessels (vasodilation) that help maintain an erection.

Dapoxetine, the second active ingredient in Super Vilitra, belongs to the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) class of medication. This means that it works to increase the levels of the chemical in the brain called serotonin and causes a delay in the part of the brain associated with ejaculating. This allows men to have more control over the time it takes for them to ejaculate. As both of these active ingredients are licensed and approved by the FDA, the effectiveness and popularity of dual action medications such as Super Vilitra should come as no surprise.

Super Vilitra Dosage & Strengths

Because Super Vilitra is a dual-action medication that contains two separate active ingredients, there are two individual doses. This medication has 20 mg of vardenafil and 60 mg of dapoxetine. These are the same doses found in the branded successors of this medicine, Levitra and Priligy. These are both well-known branded premature ejaculation treatment and erectile dysfunction treatment solutions, known as Levitra and Priligy.

Because it treats both conditions, it is the perfect choice for men who not only suffer from erectile performance issues but also men looking for more control over ejaculation. As well as medication there are a number of health and lifestyle choices that we can make that will improve blood flow and sexual health in general. Drinking a minimum of 2 litres of water every day is not only vital to remaining well hydrated it also increases libido, improves blood flow and help with early ejaculation.

How Should Super Vilitra Be Consumed

It is recommended to take Super Vilitra, 30 - 60 minutes in advance of having sex. Although the active ingredient Vardenafil has an activation time of 30 minutes, the other active ingredient Dapoxetine, takes effect after 60 minutes. This medicine is available in traditional pill form that can easily be swallowed with a drink of water. Users of Super Vilitra should swallow the medication whole without breaking, chewing or sucking on it.

When the medication is taken on an empty stomach or 2 hours after eating users will experience the maximum effects. If you take this medicine after a large meal or a meal high in fat there is a good chance that the medication will take longer to start working. A simple check of the client reviews for this medication will indicate the positive results users have experienced when they follow the dosage and usage instructions.

Super Vilitra Duration of Action

When it comes down to how long Super Vilitra stays active in the body, patients should take it following the directions provided. Although the effects of this medication stay in the blood stream for up to 24 hours they are at their peak concentration for the first 4 - 6 hours. The recommended Super Vilitra dosage, is one dose (one tablet) every 24 hours. As this medication is known to stay in the system for up to 24 hours, users should avoid taking a second dosage during this time. If the initial dosage of the medication is either too strong or to weak they should wait the full 24 hours before administering a new Super Vilitra dosage.

Living a sedentary or inactive life, smoking, drinking excessive amounts of alcohol and eating sugary or high fat foods all reduce blood flow. Alone, one or two of these things is unlikely to significantly impact our lives but when left unchecked these poor lifestyle choices can impact our sexual health in the short, medium and long term.

Combining a powerful medication like Super Vilitra with along with some simple life style changes really can make all the difference when it comes to sexual health. Walking is the easiest and quickest way to maintain good circulation and walking as little as 15 minutes each day is a good way to start. Foods high in flavonoids also promote the relaxation of smooth muscles that improve blood flow. These include citrus fruits, leafy greens, tomatoes, oily fish and pomegranate juice.

By walking more, drinking 2L of water each day and changing our diets to incorporate foods that improve our health, men and women alike can take control of their sexual wellbeing.

Is Super Vilitra Safe for Everyone?

As a licensed and approved medication, Super Vilitra is safe for the overwhelming majority of men who have taken the medication. This is because even though it is a generic medication, it still retains the same safety standards as its branded counterparts. The FDA (Food and Drug Administration) the agency responsible, only approves generic medications when they have successfully undergone assessment and passed the requirements concerning the quality, strength, dosage, safety, and effectiveness.

Men who are over the age of 65, are suffering from severe forms of liver or kidney disease and even those who have any allergic reaction to any of the ingredients found in this medication, are advised to first follow up with their doctor or a licensed healthcare professional before taking Super Vilitra.

Are there Any Super Vilitra Side Effects?

Yes. Similar to taking any kind of medicine patients are at risk of experiencing side effects when taking Super Vilitra. Even though this medication is considered safe and the symptoms experienced are usually minimal and fade as the medication leaves the body, some minor side effects can be experienced. These include:

  • Blurry vision
  • Headaches
  • Skin rashes
  • Dizziness
  • Nausea
  • Diarrhoea

Users taking Super Vilitra have also reported experiencing uncommon side effects that are more adverse, although the chances for this are low. However, if you experience any of the following symptoms it is advisable to stop taking this medicine and speak to your doctor or a licensed healthcare professional. Some of these symptoms will include binocular vision, chest pain, vision impairment, seizures and altered perception of colour.

Users can minimise the chances of experiencing side effects when they take Super Vilitra by adhering to the dosage and usage instructions and by remaining well hydrated. Drinking 2 litres of water per day is the recommended amount and this is especially helpful in the treatment of sexual dysfunctions. To see the entire list of side effects associated with this medicine new users are advised to read through the patient information leaflet for this treatment.

Why do People Buy Super Vilitra Online?

Apart from the obvious relief that Super Vilitra provides for the symptoms of both ED and PE, there are several reasons why more and more men have opted for this medication. First of all, this generic medication can be easily found and purchased online at trusted providers such as our website. Not only that, we offer a wide selection of generic sexual dysfunction medications with names like Snovitra Super Power and more. We guarantee the perfect solution for you no matter what your need or preference is.

Together with Super Vilitra, there are various other generic treatments available. These will include unique forms such as chewable tablets, effervescent tablets and oral jellies that cater to those in need of an easy-to-take solution and faster absorption times. Not only that, these generic medications are available at a fraction of the price of any branded alternative and can be bought without having to leave your home.

Things to Know Before You Buy Super Vilitra USA

Now that we have established the basics of why more and more people are choosing to purchase Super Vilitra online, we can now outline the various advantages of purchasing this medication from our website. Along with the aforementioned, many people would already know that going to your local doctor or chemist can be embarrassing enough as it is given the embarrassing nature of sexual dysfunctions. At our website, you can comfortably buy top-quality sexual dysfunction medications without the concern of someone finding out about your condition.

As we outlined previously, when you purchase Super Vilitra at our online pharmacy we offer the best online shopping experience with several added benefits that you can take advantage of. These will include things like secure payment methods that guarantee your privacy and protection. Additionally, our fast home delivery provides full discretion when it comes to your privacy, as every order is packaged in regular, unbranded packaging.

Furthermore, purchasing medications like Super Vilitra in larger quantities lets you save big as the price per pill becomes less the more you buy.

Buy Super Vilitra Online USA - No Prescription

The last thing to do right now after getting familiar with Super Vilitra is to try the medication for yourself. At our website, you can place your order in just a couple of minutes, prescription and consultation free. Our easy-to-use ordering process can be done from your home pc, phone or laptop. Start by selecting your medicine of choice from our homepage along with how many pills you want. As mentioned previously, our bulk buying options mean that the more you order the less you will pay. After you have added Super Vilitra to your shopping cart you can continue shopping or proceed to the checkout.

You can complete your purchase by selecting one of the safe and secure payment methods provided at checkout. These include well-known options such as MasterCard, Bitcoin, and Visa. After payment has been completed customers can expect to receive an email. This will contain confirmation of payment, the estimated delivery date and details regarding the descriptor name that will appear on your bank statement.

Orders placed from within the USA arrive in as little as little as 2 working days for major cities or towns. Delivery to more remote areas of the USA takes an average of 8 to 10 working days. Our customer service department are available 24/7 for further questions or concerns.

Place your order for Super Vilitra at and take that first step to sexual healing.

Dr Vanessa Lawrence
Reviewed by:

Dr Vanessa Lawrence

Dr Vanessa Lawrence is a highly regarded medical expert specialising in sexual health and Urology. She received her master's degree from the University of Chicago after completing the urology residency program.

Checked: 22nd July 2024
Review Due: August 2025

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