Sildigra Super Power

Sildigra Super Power

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What is Sildigra Super Power & What Is It Used for?

Sildigra Super Power is a treatment with dual functions created by essentially combining 2 medicines. The formulas used to develop Sildigra Super Power are from Viagra and Priligy. These 2 medications were designed to help men overcome the 2 most common sexual dysfunctions found in men, premature ejaculation (PE) and erectile dysfunction (ED). But how do these conditions affect the patient, and is it really necessary to treat them with medicine?

While ED is characterised by the inability to gain and maintain an erection, PE is simply the inability to delay ejaculation. These conditions have more in common than they initially appear, including that both reduce your performance in bed. As a result, they both hurt your self-esteem and could even damage your mental state. It is also not uncommon for one of these conditions to cause the other, which is why a medicine that treats both is necessary.

Do you experience severe performance anxiety before you get in bed with your sexual partner? Has it started physically affecting your ability to have or even enjoy sex? Do you need to treat both conditions, but cannot justify the cost of two expensive medications? Then look no further because our online pharmacy has the treatments and services that will help you overcome these intrusive conditions.

How Does Sildigra Super Power Work on the Body?

As Sildigra Super Power is essentially a combination of 2 medicines, it is only fitting that it would have 2 active ingredients. For treating ED, it contains sildenafil citrate, the phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5) inhibitor that gives Viagra all its fantastic effects. The substance class treats ED by allowing blood to rush to the genitals with more ease during arousal and excitement by expanding the blood vessels and arteries.

The substance used in parallel with this is dapoxetine, a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI). This substance class is better known for being used as antidepressants that function by improving the production of serotonin in the brain. Although this ingredient does have those same effects, it is a uniquely swift onset and expulsion in comparison to its counterparts, making it ideal for treating PE. This is because PE is most commonly linked to mental health.

As effective as Sildigra Super Power is in helping users attain peak sexual performance, it does not do anything to improve libido. As such, the medicine cannot force an erection because it does not enhance arousal. Fortunately, there are several ways you can go about improving arousal. Users could eat a more aphrodisiac focused diet or practise activities, like foreplay, to get in the mood before sex.

Sildigra Super Power Dosage & Strengths

Sildigra Super Power contains 100 mg of sildenafil, the standard dosage strength used in an erectile dysfunction treatment. This potency would typically require a prescription for the brand name treatment, even though it is not a controlled substance. Because of this, Sildigra Super Power, and similar treatments that are not part of the brand name Pfizer, do not require a prescription and can be sold through online pharmacies like us.

The dapoxetine content of Sildigra Super Power is 60 mg, which is double the potency found in the brand name premature ejaculation treatment, Priligy. Doubling the strength comes with several advantages, including a longer duration and more potent effects, which is necessary considering that it is meant to be used with sildenafil.

Ordinarily, users can cut Viagra or its generic counterparts and use it if the medicine is too strong for them. However, because Sildigra Super Power is a combination of 2 treatments, this no longer applies. As such, if you find Sildigra Super Power to be too powerful, do not crush, break, or cut the medicine. Instead, you can use our site to help you find a less potent alternative.

How Should Sildigra Super Power Be Consumed

As you should avoid breaking the medicine, always swallow your Sildigra Super Power and similar medications like Super P Force whole with a tall glass of water. Ideally, try to take the treatment on an empty stomach about an hour before you intend to have sex. The medicine will need some time to be fully absorbed into the bloodstream.

Although an empty stomach is not necessary for Sildigra Super Power to take effect, it will help reduce the onset time as much as possible. Having the medicine with food is known to delay the onset time. Depending on how fatty your meal is, the onset could be delayed rather drastically, as well as the effects.

Additionally, you could get more powerful effects out of the treatment by also practising natural remedies for PE and ED. For instance, if you exercise regularly, eat a healthy balanced diet with plenty of aphrodisiacs, and communicate with your partner, it will lower the severity of your conditions. Improved cardiovascular health and the increased dopamine and serotonin from the exercise would even contribute to the effects of Sildigra Super Power.

Sildigra Super Power Duration of Action

Although both substances in Sildigra Super Power have a relatively short half-life, they are highly potent and can remain active in the system for several hours. As a result, you can expect this medicine to improve your sexual performance by at least 4 to 6 hours. Most users can even make sure of the total 24 hours the treatment remains in the system, as they only need a bit of assistance to overcome ED.

This is because, unlike its quick absorption, Sildigra Super Power leaves the system rather slowly. Furthermore, the process only becomes slower the further it progresses. Once it leaves the body, it will leave no after-effects or residual traces. This means that you can have another dose the following day if necessary. However, users should avoid having a second dose within 24 hours of the last pill, as it raises the chances of side effects appearing.

Sildigra Super Power has a shelf-life of at least two years, allowing users to buy in bulk. Nevertheless, you might find the treatment loses its effectiveness much quicker if it is not stored appropriately. To avoid this, keep your Sildigra Super Power at room temperature, away from sunlight, moisture, and heat.

Is Sildigra Super Power Safe for Everyone?

Yes, because Sildigra Super Power is made from 2 compatible and safe formulas. Even with both formulas being approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), this treatment was still rigorously tested while becoming a part of the FDA generic drug programme. The purpose of this programme is to ensure that the generic medicine in question is of equal quality to its brand name counterpart.

However, just because the medicine is FDA approved does not mean anyone can use it freely regardless of circumstance. After all, this is still a high-end medicine that affects the body in specific ways. So, if you use other medications that clash with Sildigra Super Power, you might experience particularly uncomfortable side effects. However, if you are a healthy adult who follows the usage and dosage guide, there are few risks.

You can take this to heart because the testing and review process that Sildigra Super Power went through included all factors. The FDA even go as far as inspecting the manufacturing facilities and the labels to ensure that everything from the manufacturing process to distribution is safe, sanitary, and ethical.

Are there Any Sildigra Super Power Side Effects?

Yes, albeit unlikely, there is always the chance of users experiencing side effects when taking a high-end medication like Sildigra Super Power. This is especially true for patients using it for the first time, as their bodies might need some time to adjust to the medicine. Fortunately, the side effects will be very mild, causing little to no discomfort. As such, it would not stifle your sexual appetite.

The most common side effects include:

  • Headaches
  • Stuffy nose
  • Flushing

If these side effects are strong enough to cause discomfort, there is nothing to worry about. The side effects will disappear as Sildigra Super Power leaves your system. Still, it might be in your best interest to switch to a less potent treatment for your ED and PE, as these side effects are usually barely notable.

If you have recently had a stroke or a heart attack, avoid using Sildigra Super Power. Your body might not be ready for the effects, causing severe side effects when used. To learn of other risk factors that could cause severe adverse effects and how to avoid and manage them, check out the patient information leaflet on our site.

Why do People Buy Sildigra Super Power Online?

There are several advantages to buying Sildigra Super Power instead of two separate brand name medicines that both require a prescription. However, the primary reason people prefer buying it online is the price. Because the brand name erectile dysfunction treatment and Priligy were heavily marketed and tested during development, they have a hefty price tag attached to them. This, paired with the fact that they once held a monopoly over the market, means the sellers could charge what they wanted.

Today, there are several alternatives, yet their price has not changed. Additionally, the other options, primarily generic medicines, are easier to attain. Hence, you can buy Sildigra Super Power through us without needing a prescription, meaning no consultation fees. As a result, the price difference between online and classic pharmacies for medication like Sildigra Super Power is massive.

Things to Know Before You Buy Sildigra Super Power USA

Before buying Sildigra Super Power, you should know more about our services, what will be required from you, and what will follow after your order. Firstly, our site does not require the buyer to come collect from our shop, which is essential considering we service the entire United States of America from our distribution centre in the USA. As a result, we will require an accurate delivery address for wherever you prefer us to drop off and working contact details.

After providing the necessary information, you can expect your parcel to be delivered to you within 8 to 10 working days regardless of where you live in the United States of America. USA residents will have their parcel sent through a domestic delivery service, which will only take 8 to 10 working days instead.

When giving your address, ensure that you give whichever address you believe would be the most reliable and convenient for you. Because we deliver all parcels in unlabelled packaging, you do not need to worry about your colleagues or neighbours learning of your sexual dysfunction. We even use a discreet descriptor name to keep your activities secret from anyone who checks your bank statement.

Buy Sildigra Super Power Online USA - No Prescription

Online pharmacies are far from unique, but ours is relatively special because of its enormous selection of medicines. Some use the same formula, while we also offer alternative treatments for those who need it. As such, we recommend taking a bit of time to properly explore your options before buying. You can even purchase several medicines by adding them to your cart and paying for them simultaneously using MasterCard, Visa, or Bitcoin.

To do this, click on the item you want, and go to its product page. Here you will add the amount you want to your cart, return to the homepage,, and repeat this process with other treatments if necessary. When you are ready, head to the checkout page, where you can pay. As soon as we finish processing your payment, we will send you an email and start making the arrangements to have your Sildigra Super Power sent to you.

On the off chance of any delays, please use the information on the email to contact our customer support centre. With their assistance, there are no obstacles related to the medicine or its delivery that cannot be overcome. Place an order for your Sildigra Super Power today to overcome your sexual dysfunction and perform better than ever before.

Dr Vanessa Lawrence
Reviewed by:

Dr Vanessa Lawrence

Dr Vanessa Lawrence is a highly regarded medical expert specialising in sexual health and Urology. She received her master's degree from the University of Chicago after completing the urology residency program.

Checked: 22nd July 2024
Review Due: August 2025

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