What is Premature Ejaculation Treatment & What Is It Used for?

Premature ejaculation treatment comes in many forms, types, and techniques. They cater to premature ejaculation (PE) needs, no matter the onset cause or severity of symptoms. Some patients take the physical approach by following Kegel exercises to strengthen their pelvic muscles, while others turn to behavioural and psychologic therapies to deal with performance anxiety and stress. Most commonly, though, more men decide to take the pharmaceutical approach to get fast and effective PE treatment online.

PE is a sexual dysfunction that often occurs when a man ejaculates soon after vaginal penetration, usually after 1 - 2 minutes. In more severe scenarios, PE can happen before initial penetration, which is undesirable at the best of times. Several triggers contribute to the onset of PE and its severity, which include previous psychological traumas, acquired PE due to performance, anxiety or relationship issues and erectile dysfunction (ED). Options are endless nowadays, with the stand-out option still being affordable generic medications.

Are you looking for the best PE solution on the market? Has your relationship taken a turn because of lowered sexual abilities? Do you struggle with the idea of seeking treatment because of the embarrassing interactions involved? Whatever the case, we cover all the bases regarding Premature ejaculation treatment ahead.

How Does Premature Ejaculation Treatment Work on the Body?

Dapoxetine is the leading active ingredient used in premature ejaculation treatments. This active ingredient is known as a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI). The role of this active ingredient is to delay the ejaculation process during foreplay and sexual intercourse. The dapoxetine in these medications works by rebalancing serotonin and dopamine levels while inhibiting the serotonin transporter from releasing serotonin through the body.

When the medication reaches peak plasma concentration, serotonin levels build and increase in the brains synaptic gap to increase serotonin activity and effects. The interaction between increasing serotonin levels and the pre- and post-synaptic receptors suppresses the brain and bodys response to sexual arousal, which delays triggering ejaculation response. The powerful inhibiting action of these premature ejaculation treatment solutions gives men the best chance of engaging in sex with undeniable confidence.

Premature Ejaculation Treatment Dosage & Strengths

The dosage instructions indicate the safest dose required depending on the severity of each patients symptoms. On our website, premature ejaculation treatment is available in three different dapoxetine doses. The first of the trio Is 30 mg, half of a standard recommended dose per day. This low dose is ideal for patients with acute PE symptoms or those new to taking premature ejaculation treatment.

For mild to moderate PE symptoms, patients taking one 60 mg dose of dapoxetine up to 3 hours before planned foreplay and sex can confidently achieve vaginal penetration, engage in sexual intercourse, and last longer during intercourse without the fear of ejaculation too soon. Taking these medications will allow PE sufferers a strong chance of reclaiming control of climaxing while improving mental, physical, and sexual health.

Severe and chronic cases of PE can prove to be challenging to treat but not at all impossible. For those living with long-term PE effects, the strongest of the three PE medications available comes in a 90 mg dose. This highly potent dose is not intended for regular use and should only be taken before planned intercourse one time in any 24-hour period.

How Should Premature Ejaculation Treatment Be Consumed

Patients will get the best experience from premature ejaculation treatment by following the easy-to-use consumption guide. Regarding oral premature ejaculation treatment, users should allow enough time before planned sexual intercourse to take a dose. Regardless of the strength, taking one recommended dose 60 minutes before planned foreplay and sexual intercourse is most effective in the first 1 - 3 hours after taking the medication.

Before consuming oral premature ejaculation treatment, there are some factors to consider in order to optimize its effects. These medications should be taken as one full dose with a glass of water. Do not crush break or chew the tablet; take it on an empty stomach or 1 -2 hours after a light meal. Avoid heavy foods high in fat and carbohydrate-rich food for maximum absorption.

To ensure complete safety for all users, anyone taking nitrate-based medications to treat underlying heart conditions or related pre-existing medical conditions should speak to a medical professional for advice on the proper medication. The effects of premature ejaculation treatment can last up to 24 hours after taking medicine, so the patient is advised to refrain from taking a second dose before the first 24 hours have elapsed.

Premature Ejaculation Treatment Duration of Action

This range of oral premature ejaculation treatment options have slightly different durations of action depending on the dosage amount, how long the ingredients take to clear the system and certain consumption aspects. People taking a 30 mg dose of this medication can expect optimal effects to last for 2 - 3 hours once the medication reaches maximum strength.

A 60 mg dose of this premature ejaculation treatment kicks in at approximately the same time as the lower dose but has a longer half-life. This means the ingredients clear out the body slower and stay active for 3 - 5 hours. Men can reclaim ejaculation control and sexual function confidently with each dose without fear of side effects or ineffective results.

When taking the highest 90 mg dose of premature ejaculation treatment, the duration of effects can stay in full effect for up to 15 hours after reaching maximum potency. This dosage is not intended for regular daily use and should only be taken once in any 24-hour time gap as required. No matter what dosage patients use, timing is essential. If patients take the medication too early or too soon before sex, the effects and overall duration of action may be affected.

Is Premature Ejaculation Treatment Safe for Everyone?

For a large majority of men, premature ejaculation treatment is a safe, strong, and successful solution they can use to combat PE. Safety is proven through all stages of producing these PE solutions. These medications are rigorously tested and reviewed by the FDA to ensure the safety, stability, strength, quality, and dosage of these medications match approved marketed versions. The result confirms these approved medications work similarly in the body to provide optimal relief without side effects.

These medications are safe to use, and maintaining a healthy diet and lifestyle concurrently with using a course of premature ejaculation treatments can amplify the safety and positive effects. However, a small number of people may not benefit from taking certain PE medications. Patients currently suffering from an underlying medical condition related to the heart, kidneys and liver, or recently endured a heart attack or stroke should speak to their doctor before taking Premature Ejaculation Treatment.

Are there Any Premature Ejaculation Treatment Side Effects?

Yes, like all medications, there are potential side effects to be aware of before using premature ejaculation treatment. Thankfully, according to testing procedures conducted through the generic drugs program of the FDA, the many benefits of these medications substantially outweigh any known side effects. When taken as directed, Men using generic premature ejaculation treatments can confidently relieve symptoms and rely on the quality, safety, and effectiveness of these medications to give incredible results.

Common side effects of Premature Ejaculation Treatment are minor and include, but are not limited to:

  • Nausea
  • Upset stomach
  • Headache
  • Dizziness
  • Flushing
  • Nasal congestion

Less common side effects of Premature Ejaculation Treatment include, but are not limited to:

  • Vomiting
  • Increased heart rate
  • Changes in blood pressure
  • Fainting

Generic premature ejaculation treatment, for the vast majority, is safe. If side effects occur, patients can minimize the impacts by drinking plenty of water during this time and staying calm. If severe symptoms do persist, seek medical attention immediately. A full list of side effects can be found on the patient information leaflet (PIL) on our website.

Why do People Buy Premature Ejaculation Treatment Online?

More people are drawn to buying premature ejaculation treatment online because access to more types, forms and dosages of sexual function solutions are available 24/7. Our online pharmacies offer an extensive range of sexual function, ED, and PE medications which are only available online, and prescription-free. Our online space bears minimal monthly overheads. Instead of customers paying a small fortune for medicines over the counter, our clients are afforded the same high-quality medications at assured lower prices.

At EDPill1, we take the leg work out of getting premature ejaculation treatment and offer a private, secure, and tailor-made service for individual client needs. People using online pharmacies eliminate the inconvenience, stress, and embarrassment of setting appointments with the GP for prescriptions. Reviews indicated that high volumes of patients now choose to buy online as a safe and secure space they can access with complete discretion and confidence.

Customers save time, money and effort buying premature ejaculation treatment online; but that is not all. The benefits of fast and discreet home delivery and 24-hour customer care means that more men from across the nation and beyond are making headway against PE symptoms, improving overall health, and enjoying better sex life.

Things to Know Before You Buy Premature Ejaculation Treatment the United States of America

We all have a fair idea of how expensive medication can be, right? Especially when going to the local pharmacy or high street. A comparison between the price of marketed brands sold in-store to premature ejaculation treatment sold online shows up to five times the difference for exactly the same medication. Generic PE medications are just as safe as branded versions yet more affordable, accessible, and available online in more doses.

Highly effective, prescription-free premature ejaculation treatment that is affordable and accessible? Surely that is too good to be true, right? Well, not this time. Our online clients can take full advantage of ordering higher volumes of Premature Ejaculation for up to five times less per pill. Customers have limitless access to a higher volume of prescription-free medication for low wholesale prices to suffice monthly, quarterly, or even an annual supply of medicines without blowing the bank balance.

All orders are kept strictly confidential right from the first click. We offer and accept different safe and secure payment options to ensure peace of mind, assurance, and confidence in ordering more premature ejaculation treatment options at our website. All confirmed packages come with a unique tracking number, providing real-time updates on their package so they can prepare to take and sign for the discreet delivery on arrival.

Buy Premature Ejaculation Treatment Online USA - No Prescription

We have now covered and can conclude every aspect of PE and the medication options available. All you have to do now is order yours directly from our secure home page, where you will find the finest selection of world-class PE medications. Click and choose your medication, followed by the quantity, before continuing shopping for more medicine, or completing the ordering process by following the simple step-by-step instructions.

When you are satisfied with your items and proceed to the checkout, you will need to provide some important details, including a current phone number, valid email account and delivery address. To complete a payment, use one of our safe and secure payment methods; we accept VISA, MasterCard, and Bitcoin. Once your payment has been processed, you receive an email confirming your payment, the discreet descriptor name indicated on your bank statement and the estimated delivery date.

Client confidentiality is a crucial aspect we maintain by providing all confirmed orders with a unique tracking code and non-descriptive labelling. During the processing and packaging, our United States of America dispatch prepares packages within 24 hours before being forwarded to our fast and discreet delivery partner. All the United States of America orders arrive within 4-7 days. 24/7 customer care is available to handle any questions regarding orders.

Place your order now for premature ejaculation treatment today at rxgeneralpharmacy.com and take control of your love life.

Dr Vanessa Lawrence
Reviewed by:

Dr Vanessa Lawrence

Dr Vanessa Lawrence is a highly regarded medical expert specialising in sexual health and Urology. She received her master's degree from the University of Chicago after completing the urology residency program.

Checked: 22nd July 2024
Review Due: August 2025

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