Lovegra Oral Jelly

Lovegra Oral Jelly

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What is Lovegra Oral Jelly & What Is It Used for?

Manufactured by Ajanta Pharma, Lovegra Oral Jelly is a gel-based treatment for several forms of female sexual dysfunction (FSD). The medication contains sildenafil, the same active ingredient used in the well-known Viagra; Lovegra Oral Jelly was rebranded as a treatment for women. This is because although the medicine was initially made to help men have sex again, it was later discovered to improve the sexual experience in women.

There are several forms of FSD, ranging from pain during sex (dyspareunia) to just having trouble attaining an orgasm (anorgasmia). Nevertheless, it is entirely natural, and women do not need to treat it if it does not bother them. Still, sex is pleasant and a vital part of a serious relationship, so it is not uncommon to want a quick solution to overcome FSD while resolving the underlying cause.

Is FSD putting strain on your relationship? Are you looking for a sure-fire solution to help you enjoy sex again? Would you prefer getting this solution without having to make an appointment and get a prescription? Then continue reading to learn more about Lovegra Oral Jelly, how it can help you.

How Does Lovegra Oral Jelly Work on the Body?

Lovegra Oral Jelly functions similarly to its brand-name counterpart on account that they have the same active ingredient, sildenafil citrate. However, because this treatment is meant to be used by women, the effects are slightly different. Instead of facilitating an erection, Lovegra Oral Jelly would increase vaginal lubrication, sensitivity and orgasmic function, making sex more stimulating and orgasms more intense.

Sildenafil achieves these results by being a phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5) inhibitor that stifles the function of the PDE5 enzyme. This results in the muscle within the blood vessels and arteries relaxing, causing the tubes to expand and blood to flow throughout the body with more ease. When the user then becomes aroused, blood rushes to the genitals, causing their sexual function to activate.

Although Lovegra Oral Jelly improves sexual function when the user becomes aroused, it does not directly stimulate you. So, if you struggle with a condition like female sexual arousal disorder, you would need to use a few aphrodisiacs in parallel to Lovegra Oral Jelly. Although the treatment cannot directly cause arousal, it can increase it, ensuring that you do not lose desire mid-intercourse.

Lovegra Oral Jelly Dosage & Strengths

Lovegra Oral Jelly contains 100 mg of sildenafil, which is the exact same dosage strength you would find in its brand-name counterpart, Viagra. This level of potency is widely regarded as the standard dosage strength, even in female products. This is mainly due to its effectiveness while still being perfectly safe for its user.

If users feel that this dosage strength is too potent for them, there are several means you can go about it. It is ideal to switch to a treatment that suits your needs a bit better, in which case our site can help you because of how many alternative medicines we have. However, there is also no harm in just taking half of the sachet of Lovegra Oral Jelly. It might be challenging to ensure you get a precise dose, but it will still reduce the impact.

On the other hand, if the medicine is not potent enough for you, do not use more than a single sachet. Although increasing the potency of your medication is possible, that should always be left as a last resort. As you raise the dosage strength, you also raise the chances of experiencing side effects. Instead, it might be better to use some natural methods like ginseng while using Lovegra Oral Jelly.

How Should Lovegra Oral Jelly Be Consumed

Because Lovegra Oral Jelly is gel-based, it has a particularly fast activation time, being fully absorbed after merely 15 minutes. Because of this, you can use Lovegra Oral Jelly for spontaneous evenings of passion with minimal wait. For the best results, take a single sachet per day on an empty stomach about 15 to 20 minutes before you intend to have sex.

This ensures that no unforeseen factors could affect the impact or the onset time of the medicine. Having the medication on a full stomach would not dull the edge of Lovegra Oral Jelly, but it could delay its effects from kicking in. This could be used to your advantage if you plan to use the treatment several hours before you intend to have sex, as a fatty meal would delay and lengthen the impact.

You can also ensure your Lovegra Oral Jelly shows the promised results through adequate storage. Although the treatment should remain potent for about 24 months after being manufactured, it can still lose some of its effectiveness if poorly stored. Keep the medicine away from heat, sunlight, and moisture. Also, ensure that children cannot reach it if there are any in your household.

Lovegra Oral Jelly Duration of Action

Like any female sexual dysfunction treatment with the same active ingredient, Lovegra Oral Jelly will take 24 hours to wholly leave the system. However, as it slowly works out of your body, the impact will gradually diminish. Nearing the end of its duration, you might not be able to feel any difference in your sexual function.

The peak effects will be displayed as soon as it kicks in, and Lovegra Oral Jelly will remain potent for at least 4 to 6 hours. Although this is already a significant duration, depending on the severity of your FSD, you may be able to enjoy the benefits of the treatment for several hours after these peak effects pass. One of the ways you can help the medicine help you is by lowering the severity of your FSD.

There are several natural methods you can employ to assist with this, with the most effective being just living a happy, healthy life. Simply exercising regularly, having a balanced healthy diet, and establishing a healthy flow of communication with your partner would have a massive impact. Some women have even been able to reverse their FSD entirely with this method.

Is Lovegra Oral Jelly Safe for Everyone?

Yes, Lovegra Oral Jelly is made from a food and drug administration (FDA) approved recipe and is also part of their generic drug programme. This means it is equally high quality as the original brand name treatment and was tested to ensure this. Furthermore, Lovegra Oral Jelly is intended to be used primarily by women and went through several tests and reviews to ensure that it is safe and effective for this purpose.

However, even though this medicine went through months of rigorous testing to ensure it is up to the FDA standard, a few conditions exist. Any healthy adult who uses it according to the dosage and usage guide should experience all of the benefits with little to no side effects. Nevertheless, suppose the user has recently had a stroke or heart attack. In that case, they should avoid using Lovegra Oral Jelly or any of the PDE5 inhibitor-based medicine.

Are there Any Lovegra Oral Jelly Side Effects?

Yes, however, the dosage and usage guide would ordinarily help users mitigate the already low chances of side effects appearing. Regardless, as Lovegra Oral Jelly is a high-end medicine for FSD, there is always a possibility, though the side effects are nothing worth worrying about. Ordinarily, the side effects are merely common cold symptoms, proving the be a minor inconvenience at best.

The most common side effects are:

  • Headaches
  • Flushing
  • Stuffy nose

If you experience any of these side effects, they would likely be very mild, to the point where you might not even realise their existence in the heat of the moment. Furthermore, as your body becomes used to Lovegra Oral Jelly, the appearance and impact of side effects would further decline. On the other hand, if they are potent enough to annoy you and persist beyond an hour, you might need to reduce the potency of your medicine.

In the worst-case scenario, you may be allergic to Lovegra Oral Jelly or have a pre-existing condition that could directly or indirectly interact with it. In this case, severe side effects become possible, which would require immediate medical attention. To learn what could cause severe side effects and how to avoid them, visit the patient information leaflet on our site.

Why do People Buy Lovegra Oral Jelly Online?

There are several advantages to online shopping in general. The most significant benefit to buying Lovegra Oral Jelly from us is that we do not require a prescription. This removes the most tedious part of buying or refilling your medicine, consulting your doctor to acquire their written permission to pay. In addition to the convenience we offer, our site also makes the process as easy as possible.

All medications bought from us are sent to whichever address you provide. Of course, we recommend providing the address you find most convenient, regardless of whether that be your home or work. We take multiple measures to ensure that nobody knows what you bought or why, including unlabelled packaging so that only you will know what is inside the parcel.

Deliveries are relatively swift, taking a mere 8 to 10 working days, regardless of which USA address you provide. Because we service the entire United States of America, deliveries within the area are even faster, only taking 8 to 10 business days instead. When delivering, the driver will require a signature from the recipient, ensuring that it goes to the right person.

Things to Know Before You Buy Lovegra Oral Jelly USA

Although Lovegra Oral Jelly is an excellent treatment that helps for every FSD, hypoactive sexual desire disorder (HSDD) is a special case among them. This is a condition that lowers your libido and overall desire for sex. Because of the nature of this FSD, Lovegra Oral Jelly might not be the ideal solution for it, even if it will help. In this case, it might be best to also get one of our other treatments, Addyi.

This product contains flibanserin instead, which acts very differently in the body, correcting a chemical imbalance in the brain over several weeks. As such, you can use both these treatments without fear of them interacting with the other. In the process, you could enjoy immediate and long-lasting results.

Regardless of which product you want, our site will help you get it at the best price possible. Because we have meagre costs of daily operations in comparison to the high-street pharmacies, we do not need to mark up our products as aggressively. These advantages even allow us to offer services like bulk sale discounts. As a result, you can order a more significant amount of medicine at a better rate.

Buy Lovegra Oral Jelly Online USA - No Prescription

Now that you know how to use Lovegra Oral Jelly and how it can assist you, next we can help you get your hands on it. All you need to do is go to our website, where you will be shown a list of the treatments we stock. Here you can select whichever treatment you want and how many you want to your cart. You will not need to provide any documentation or prescriptions, just some basic information for us to deliver.

We also have several alternative medicines to Lovegra Oral Jelly; if you would like to experiment and try different treatments, you can return to our homepage and add more items to your cart. You can then pay for all the items in your cart simultaneously on the checkout page with MasterCard, Visa, or Bitcoin. Once you finish paying, we will send you an email containing your order details, payment confirmation and the descriptor name that the transaction will appear as. If you have any further questions or would like to inquire about your parcel, our customer support staff are available 24/7 and waiting to help you.

Order Lovegra Oral Jelly today at and make your sexual health a priority.

Dr Vanessa Lawrence
Reviewed by:

Dr Vanessa Lawrence

Dr Vanessa Lawrence is a highly regarded medical expert specialising in sexual health and Urology. She received her master's degree from the University of Chicago after completing the urology residency program.

Checked: 22nd July 2024
Review Due: August 2025

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