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What is Ladygra & What Is It Used for?

Ladygra is a female sexual dysfunction (FSD) medication manufactured by the well-known Indian pharmaceutical company RSM enterprises. Containing 100 mg of sildenafil citrate, the same active ingredient contained in Viagra, it can treat various female sexual dysfunction disorders. Female sexual dysfunction is not just one condition. It is four separate conditions that all come under one banner.

The first of these is known as dyspareunia, which is when having sex is too painful to continue. The second is hypoactive sexual desire disorder which is when a woman experiences reduced libido, resulting in no real desire to have sex. Another of the sexual dysfunctions is anorgasmia, otherwise known as the reduced ability to achieve orgasm. The final sexual dysfunction, and the one most affected by Ladygra, is sexual arousal disorder. This is when you are unable to become aroused enough for sexual intercourse.

It is thought that between 30-40% of women struggle with some form of sexual dysfunction. Ladygra is most effective when used for sexual arousal disorder, although by treating sexual arousal disorder, it also effectively improves the symptoms of other sexual dysfunctions too.

Are you looking for a quick and effective treatment for FSD? Are you looking for more confidence in the bedroom, and in yourself? Are you looking to rekindle that missing spark in the bedroom with your significant other? Ladygra may be what you have been looking for. Continue reading to find out more, and how to buy it today.

How Does Ladygra Work on the Body?

Ladygra works through the mechanism of action of its active ingredient, sildenafil. Also known as sildenafil citrate, this active ingredient is known as a PDE5 inhibitor, alongside other medications such as vardenafil and tadalafil, which are also used to treat sexual dysfunction disorders. This is the same active ingredient contained in the well-known brand name tablet Viagra, and so, therefore, has the same effects, side effects, and mechanism of action.

Ladygra enhances arousal through the blocking of an enzyme called phosphodiesterase type 5, or PDE5. PDE5 stops the action of an important chemical in the body called cyclic guanosine monophosphate, otherwise known as cGMP. cGMP helps to widen blood vessels in the body, to enhance blood flow throughout the body, and in particular, to the genitals.

Once PDE5 is blocked, cGMP is allowed to affect the body again, which in turn widens blood vessels and increases blood flow. Blood flow is therefore increased to the genital, which increases arousal. Please note that Ladygra will not cause arousal without sufficient physical or mental stimulation.

Ladygra Dosage & Strengths

Ladygra contains 100 mg of sildenafil, which is more than enough to treat FSD. If you need more than this, you should first consult with a medical professional. Some people do not require the full 100 mg to get the effects they need from Ladygra. These people can get half a dose or a quarter of a dose by splitting the tablet. To get 50 mg, you can split the tablet into two. To get 25 mg, split them again, to make 4 quarters. If you do split your dose, ensure that you store the remaining parts of the tablet in an airtight container or packet.

By doing this, you can reduce the risk of side effects, which may be important in those who are elderly, or who have reduced organ function. Additionally, splitting the dose can increase how long your medication lasts, which can save you money. It is not recommended that you take any more than 100 mg within 24 hours. This means that you should not exceed more than one whole Ladygra tablet per day. If you are taking this daily, this means that if you miss a dose, you should skip that dose and resume from the following dose, rather than take double.

How Should Ladygra Be Consumed

This female sexual dysfunction treatment should be swallowed whole with a glass of water. It is important that you do not chew, dissolve, or crush the Ladygra tablet before taking it, as this can interfere with the mechanism of action of the active ingredient. You should take Ladygra at least an hour before engaging in sexual activity, to ensure that the effects are fully working first.

A good way of finding out more information about this medication is via Ladygra reviews. Ladygra reviews contain a wealth of information from women all over the world who have taken this medication and have their own personal experiences of how to get the best results. For example, please find a quick selection of some reviews that have been submitted to us:

'Take Ladygra at least 35 minutes before sex - I tried with 25 minutes and the effects didnt work yet!' - Diane, 67, Bromley

'I find that drinking a whole glass of water with Ladygra means that headaches I used to get when taking it are completely gone' Emma, 43, Suffolk

Ladygra Duration of Action

This medication lasts different amounts of time for different people. It generally starts to work between 30 to 60 minutes after consumption, and lasts for around 4-6 hours. However, certain things can alter that. For example, it is not recommended that you have a large meal before taking Ladygra tablets. That is because it can delay how long it takes for Ladygra to start working, due to the food having to be absorbed and processed first. On the other hand, it can increase how long the effects last.

Another factor that can mean this medication can last for longer is your age. Those who are older tend to take longer to process this medication, due to their reduced organ function in comparison to younger people. Regardless of how long the effects of Ladygra take to work for you, and how long it lasts, we recommend taking it the same way each time, to have predictable effects.

Is Ladygra Safe for Everyone?

Firstly, it is completely safe to take Ladygra, as it has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration, for safe use in humans. If a medication is FDA-approved, this not only means that it is safe to take, but also that it is effective for its approved use.

There are certain circumstances that Ladygra should be taken with caution. These are:

  • If you are already taking other PDE5 inhibitors, such as Lovegra, taking Ladygra can be dangerous. You would essentially be exceeding the recommended dose, which can result in increased side effects.
  • If you have recently suffered a heart attack or stroke. Taking Ladygra can result in increased strain on the heart. When that is combined with the increased strain resulting from sexual activity, the combination can be dangerous to those who have heart issues anyway.

We recommend that you conduct your own research into who should and should not take this medication prior to consumption. Additionally, you should always consult a doctor before taking any new medication if you have underlying conditions, to ensure that it is safe for you to take it.

Are there Any Ladygra Side Effects?

Like with any medication, there are side effects. Although this is not a comprehensive list, some of the more common ones are:

  • Indigestion - this is a common side effect that can be easily managed. Usually, an over-the-counter antacid such as calcium carbonate can fix indigestion. If this is not alleviated via an over-the-counter medication, you can obtain a stronger alternative by visiting your doctor.
  • Nasal congestion - otherwise known as having a stuffy nose, nasal congestion is a harmless but annoying side effect of Ladygra. Common treatments that can relieve a stuffy nose are nasal sprays or a facial steamer, which can relieve blocked sinuses.
  • Dizziness - an uncomfortable side effect which can be reduced. Ensuring you have a small amount to eat before taking this medication can reduce dizziness, as can drinking a whole glass of water when taking the tablet. If you do feel dizzy after taking Ladygra, you should ensure that you do not use any heavy machinery, drive, or do any other activity that requires full concentration and spatial awareness.

Why do People Buy Ladygra Online?

One benefit of buying medications such as Ladygra online is the benefit of additional medications to choose from. If you find that this medication does not work for you, you can easily browse the wide range of other medications we have in stock, such as flibanserin. An additional benefit of buying online is the convenience. When purchasing online, you do not need to leave your home. You can simply visit our website, and within a few clicks of your mouse, can have medication on its way to you within days.

Furthermore, there is no need to see a doctor to get this medication or get a prescription first before purchase. This means that you do not have to worry about seeing anyone face-to-face, which some people may find embarrassing. This is one way that we ensure our service is entirely discreet. Another is by encrypting our checkout with the most up-to-date secure technology, to ensure that when you purchase from us, no third parties can access your details.

We also ensure our service is discreet by sending out our products in neutral packaging. This means that nobody can guess from looking at the parcel what you have ordered. Buying online is also cheaper. You not only get the benefit of offers which often appear on our website, but also the benefit of bulk purchasing. When buying sexual dysfunction products, you save more money, the more products you purchase.

Things to Know Before You Buy Ladygra USA

There are several things you should know before you buy Ladygra. Firstly, an explanation of the generic nature of this medication. Generic medications are medications that are permitted to be made after the patent on the original medications ran out. In this case, sildenafil citrate was originally patented to be used by Pfizer in their medication Viagra, for the treatment of sexual dysfunctions such as erectile dysfunction.

However, after the patent on Viagra expired in 2012, this allowed other manufacturers such as RSM Enterprises to manufacture their own medications using sildenafil citrate. Since studies have now been conducted that demonstrate the effective use of this active ingredient to treat female sexual arousal disorder, RSM Enterprises developed Ladygra. Because RSM Enterprises have not had to pay for the patent on their medication, or the marketing costs, the cost of this medication is much cheaper.

They are then able to pass on these savings to the customer. Treating your condition with this medication is not only easy on your pocket. It also improves your sex life. People often report that the benefits extend beyond this, to increased self-esteem and therefore improve self-confidence. This improvement often influences their mental health, as they feel less anxious (especially when it comes to the bedroom) and less depressed.

Buy Ladygra Online USA - No Prescription

If having read the above, you are now looking to purchase this medication, you can do so via our easy ordering process. To start the process, click on the product you are looking to buy via our homepage, or navigate to our ordering area of the individual product page if you are already there. Once you have done this, select the quantity you wish to purchase. As previously mentioned, buying larger quantities of the product saves you money in the long run.

Once you have done this, proceed to the checkout and input your delivery and payment details. Our payment portal is completely secure, and allows you to pay with Visa, MasterCard, and even Bitcoin. Following payment, you will receive an email to confirm that your payment has been successful, and confirm the date of delivery, and the name of what will appear on your statement. Please note that deliveries generally take between 2 and 4 business days to the United States of America.

Place an order now at and make sex something to enjoy once again.

Dr Vanessa Lawrence
Reviewed by:

Dr Vanessa Lawrence

Dr Vanessa Lawrence is a highly regarded medical expert specialising in sexual health and Urology. She received her master's degree from the University of Chicago after completing the urology residency program.

Checked: 22nd July 2024
Review Due: August 2025

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