Fildena Super Active

Fildena Super Active

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What is Fildena Super Active & What Is It Used for?

Fildena Super Active is a pharmaceutical that is used by men who are battling erectile dysfunction (ED). This medication is a biochemically identical version of the world-renowned little blue pill, Viagra, created by Pfizer back in 1989, and FDA approved in 1998 for prescription use. The major difference between Fildena Super Active and Viagra is that this medication is a fast-acting soft gel, which offers a faster onset time compared to traditional tablets. This makes it a great option for those who find themselves in more spontaneous sexual encounters, and need quick onset.

Erectile dysfunction is a condition that has been affecting men all around the world for as long as history remembers, and cases continue to skyrocket each day. ED is a condition that occurs when a man has a stifled blood flow throughout their body, causing great difficulty in achieving an erection while sexually stimulated. While most people consider ED to be a problem that only affects older men, this is simply not the case. Today, men of all ages are experiencing this intrusive condition, and for many different reasons. A leading problem causing it today is obesity.

Do you struggle to perform when sexual encounters occur? Perhaps you can get an erection but are unable to keep it?? Maybe you simply enjoy spicing things up in the bedroom once in a while? Whatever your reason is for joining us here today, we can help you get the results you need by ordering Fildena Super Active from our online pharmacy.

How Does Fildena Super Active Work on the Body?

Fildena Super Active is a member of the PDE-5 inhibitor family, just like all other medications created for the aid of ED. All PDE-5 inhibiting medications offer an identical mechanism of action as one another, no matter what active ingredient they are utilizing. While there are several different active ingredients for ED, there are only, overall, minimal differences between each one. The main intent of Fildena Super Active is to, as the medication class states, inhibit the PDE-5 enzyme from flourishing throughout the body. This is just the first step of the process, however.

Once Fildena Super Active is metabolized, it will begin to enter the bloodstream. From here, the drop in PDE-5 enzymes will allow for an important chemical known as Nitric oxide to begin producing throughout the body. This is a very important step in the process, as it allows for an even more important chemical to produce, called cGMP, or Cyclic Guanosine Monophosphate. Once this occurs, blood flow is much stronger, and when combined with sexual stimulation, will allow for the man to achieve an erection firm enough for sexual intercourse.

Fildena Super Active Dosage & Strengths

Much like all pharmaceuticals, safe and accurate dosing is an incredibly important aspect to grasp before taking Fildena Super Active. This particular medication comes in a 100mg soft gel capsule, offering identical levels of effect to that of Viagra. The most commonly used dosage of Sildenafil with men experiencing moderate severities of ED is 100mg, which accurately offers most men ideal effects. During the first use of Fildena Super Active, some minor side effects may be experienced, but this is simply the body getting its first experience with Sildenafil.

If some men find that this dosage is a little too strong, then it is recommended to try one of the many lower dosed options that are available on our marketplace. On the contrary, if this dosage is not found to be strong enough, there are many much stronger options available. Viagra generics are offered in various doses, ranging between 25 mg and 200 mg, assuring every man is able to effectively treat their condition. As this is a liquid gel capsule, splitting dosages is not optional like it is with a traditional coated tablet.

How Should Fildena Super Active Be Consumed

Taking Fildena Super Active is relatively straightforward, as it comes in a simple gel capsule. Fildena Super Active is to be taken just like any other traditional tablet is, which is ideally taken with a glass of water when swallowed. Taking Fildena Super Active with a glass of water helps in several ways. First, to assure the person taking it does not choke on the capsule, and second because hydration is key in fighting potential side effects when using pharmaceuticals.

When taking Fildena Super Active, it is ideal to do so not too far ahead of when sexual interaction is intended. As this is a soft gel capsule, it reacts in the body quicker than a standard tablet does. The onset time for a standard tablet is generally 45-60 minutes, but with a gel capsule, the onset time can be anywhere from 15-45 minutes. This is dependent on several things, such as metabolism speeds, if food was consumed first, and even hydration level while digesting the medication.

Fildena Super Active Duration of Action

All pharmaceuticals come alongside differing durations of action, as all chemical compounds react differently while metabolizing in the human body. When using Fildena Super Active, the active ingredient generally shows its full effects for between 4-6 hours for most men. This can, however, differ for some individuals. For example, older gentlemen are likely to experience the effects of Fildena Super Active for a much longer time. This is because as we age, our metabolism slows, meaning medication will remain in the bloodstream for much longer periods.

When a medication is taken by someone with a much slower metabolism than the average person, the effects can both take longer to onset, and remain much longer. On the contrary, those with a fast metabolism are likely to experience faster onset, with a shorter duration of effects. It is not recommended to take more than one dosage in a 24-hour period. This is because Fildena Super Active will remain in the bloodstream for up to 24-hours following consumption. Stacking more of the medication when it is still in the body can result in undesired effects.

Is Fildena Super Active Safe for Everyone?

The general answer to this question is yes, Fildena Super Active is absolutely safe for the majority of people who are using it. The long answer is that it can show some signs of problems for a small percentage of those planning to use it as an erectile dysfunction treatment. For the average healthy man who is not using other medications regularly, there is likely not to be an issue. There is a possibility for some with underlying conditions or taking other medication that the active ingredient can lead to some contraindications.

It is important to keep in mind that while Fildena Super Active is a generic medication, it still must follow strict guidelines. Many people are unaware that every generic medication must first undergo intense review processes, assuring the active ingredient is identical to the branded version. This review also concludes whether there are any adulterants or unsafe ingredients being used. These reviews are conducted by the FDA Generic Drug Program, and will deem any failing medications as illegal for sale until the concerns are addressed, and retested.

Are there Any Fildena Super Active Side Effects?

Pharmaceuticals are an incredibly important part of this world, as they both help people live comfortable lives, and even help keep some people alive. But all good things in this world come with some downside, and potential side effects are what go alongside all pharmaceuticals. On the plus side, side effects are no reason to rule out using a drug, as Fildena Super Active side effects are generally mild, and not to cause much concern. Generally, most severe side effects experienced only occur due to misuse of the drug.

Some of the potential side effects are, but are not limited to:

  • Nausea
  • Diarrhoea
  • Dizziness
  • Headaches
  • A problem differentiating colours

If any of these side effects are experienced during the use of Fildena Super Active, there is no need for panic. It is possible to speed up side effects by consuming water, and keeping the body hydrated. This assists in flushing out the undesired effects; a high-fat meal can also help speed the process. On some rare occasions, an erection may last longer than 4 hours, and cause some pain. If this happens, contact a medical professional immediately. For a larger list of potential side effects, please see the included patient information leaflet.

Why do People Buy Fildena Super Active Online?

There are many reasons why buying Fildena Super Active can be incredibly beneficial to those in need of effective sildenafil tablets. With this being a generic medication, that in itself brings to the table some incredible advantages. Generic medications offer a massive financial discount compared to their branded competitors. On top of this, there are an incredible number of options compared to branded prescription medicines. Buying online also allows you to purchase dual-action medications, and address both erectile dysfunctions, and premature ejaculation together.

These incredible generics, such as Fildena Super Active, also offer a massive increase in overall quality of life. While they of course assist with the sexual dysfunction, they also help struggling relationships grow back into a stress-free and happy situation. When this improves, as will mental health that may have taken a turn. Match this up with a heightened level of self-confidence and it is clear why people are taking their pharmaceutical needs to online pharmacies.

Things to Know Before You Buy Fildena Super Active USA

When looking into the differences between buying from online and buying from the high street, there is truly no competition. When you buy online, you eliminate many different inconveniences that come with shopping on the high street for pharmaceuticals. First, there is no need for you to take time from your busy life to visit the doctor to get a prescription, and wait at the chemist for your medication. When you order Fildena Super Active online, there is no need for a prescription, a consultation, or even an appointment.

Ordering from us gives you the advantage of having Fildena Super Active delivered directly to your front door. This saves the embarrassment of face-to-face interactions with pharmacists, and other patients picking up their medications from hearing what you are buying. When you buy your Fildena Super Active from our online pharmacy, you can also benefit highly from our safe and secure payment methods, which include Bitcoin. One final notable benefit of shopping online with us is the great deals available when you decide to buy Fildena Super Active in bulk.

Buy Fildena Super Active Online USA - No Prescription

So, there we have it, all the information that you need regarding Fildena Super Active to make an educated decision on whether it is right for you or not. Ordering from our online pharmacy, whether be it Fildena Super Active, Kamagra Polo, or anything else, is incredibly simple, taking just a few short minutes. Once you have decided on your purchases, choose a quantity, keeping in mind that larger orders will yield lower costs per capsule. From there, simply add the medication to your shopping cart, and head over to the checkout section to complete the order.

Once at the checkout, you will be asked for your shipping and contact information, followed by your desired method of payment. Once you have submitted your payment information, you will instantly receive an email from our website indicating the order was successful. This email will also indicate the anonymous descriptor name that the transaction will appear as on your bank statement.

Delivery takes only a short time for the United States of America customers, which is usually 8 to 10 business days and it will be delivered in to your doorsteps discreetly. If you have any problems with your order, or further questions, contact our 24-hour customer support team for further assistance.

Place your order for Fildena Super Active today at and make ED problems a thing of the past.

Dr Vanessa Lawrence
Reviewed by:

Dr Vanessa Lawrence

Dr Vanessa Lawrence is a highly regarded medical expert specialising in sexual health and Urology. She received her master's degree from the University of Chicago after completing the urology residency program.

Checked: 22nd July 2024
Review Due: August 2025

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